Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Gungunum 4th king of babylon c. 1868–1841 BC

Gungunum  4th king of babylon  c. 1868–1841 BC

City State of Larsa
Apart from one possible contender during the pre-flood period in which Bad-Tibira held the kingship, the city of Larsa doesn't seem to have had any other independent kings of its own until the very end of Sumerian civilisation.
Control of it was gained by the Amorite inheritors of southern Mesopotamia, becoming the centre of a moderately successful city state which also controlled Ur and Uruk. Its name (modern Tell as-Senkereh), was corrupted to Ellasar in the Bible, although the Biblical king Arioch of Ellasar is now thought to be the early Hurrian king Ariukki. Dates are according to the Middle Chronology, which (until recently at least) was the most popular. The Long Chronology sets the dates 120 years earlier, while the Low Chronology sets them 64 years later.

920? BC
Gungunum, Isin's governor of the province of Lagash, breaks with his masters and sets up his own dynasty in Larsa, although the reasons for this are largely unknown. To further frustrate Isin's rulers, he seizes Ur, cutting Isin's vital trade route and economically crippling the city.

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