Sunday, February 14, 2016

Is GOMER Cambodia?

Is GOMER Cambodia?
The "Armenians called Cappadocia GAMIR" (12:229). We find the KHAMUR mt. in Armenia (2:565, C2) and the town of KEMER (6:749c). Before moving east, apparently GOMER left his mark in SPAIN and ITALY (GOMERA,Canary Island & CAMARINA Sicily -- Strabo 3:59,81; the GAMORI of Syracuse Sicily(26:296d); CAMARIUM Umbria -- Strabo 2:369; GOMERO -- Strabo 3:301;). Russian Alexandropol is also known as GUMRI (1:576). In the Caucasus we find the GIMARAI-KHORH mt. (23:874, II D2). A town in E. Turkey is GUMURDJINA (12:717a) and a river is KUMUR SU (9:894d). "GOMER" gave his name to the "Cimmerians" of Anatolia or "Cimbri" of the classics. Therefore, Herodotus, Plutarch and others identify him with the district of Cimmeria (Herodotus 4:12), north of the Black Sea -- called "CRIMEA" today -- but later Cimmerians were SHEMites (Odyssey 11:12-19), not oriental. Just as Hosea prophesied, SHEMitic Israel would be known by the name "GOMER" (Hos.1:3) -- the CYMRY Welsh and the English county of CUMBERLAND. They received this name from either the Japhetic "Gomer" who was in Europe before them, or from "King Omri" or "Samaria" (Both Israelites and Gomerites were called "Cimmerians.") This is why even Josephus thinks "GOMER" is the GALATIANS or GAULS (1:6:1). "CRIM Tartary" and the Russian city "Eski KRIM "which marks the site of the ancient town of CIMMERIUM" were named after GOMER (A.T. Jones' Empires Of The Bible, p.8). But "GOMER'S" portion was "toward the east" (Jub.9:7). A river in India is the "GAMBHAR" (25:123a) and another is the KUMAR River (3:133c) and a district in India is called KAMARUPTA (15:647a) and KIAMARI town and peninsula also (14:376, B7; 15:673a) and KAMRI pass (19:487, B2). He moved to S.E. ASIA and gave his name to the "KHMER EMPIRE" and people there, specifically CAMBODIA today (2:194 & 17:231; 1974 Encyc. Brit.). We have all heard of the "Khmer Rouge." "The KHMERS from the 9th century to the 15th built a great empire, but much of its territory was lost to its neighbors so that only the small kingdom of CAMBODIA remains today" (17:231, Encyc. Brit. Macro 1974). In Burma is the KHEMARATA state (15:728c). The Cambodians are related to the SIAMESE, BURMESE, and other dark-skinned races of INDONESIA and the PHILIPPINES. Sumatra used to be called KAMARA (17:640a) or CAMAR (17:642). A river and state in Sumatra are called KAMPAR (26:71, B2). In the Philippines we find the GIMARAS island and strait (21:392, D5). In Thailand is KEMARAT (14:498, D4). The KHMERS "were forerunners and part-ancestors of the Siamese" (25:4a). In New Guinea is KAMRAU Bay (19:487, B2). In E. Siberia we find the KHAMAR-DABAN Mts. (3:215), KUMARSK (25:10, H3) and KUMARA villages (1:899d). In N. Manchuria is the KUMARA River (17:553, B-C 1). In Japan is the GAMMORITAKE Mt. (15:156, L6). A branch of GOMER sailed to Madagascar since we find Mohit's Map of 1554 labelling it "G. EL KUMR" (17:641b). The GOMEZ family of Spain and South America may be related. 

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