Wednesday, February 17, 2016

kings of babylon

Sealand Dynasty (Dynasty II of Babylon)[edit]

Further information: Sealand Dynasty
These rulers may not have ruled Babylonia itself for more than the briefest of periods, but rather the formerly Sumerianregions south of it. Nevertheless, it is often traditionally numbered the Second Dynasty of Babylon, and so is listed here.

Early Kassite Monarchs[edit]

Further information: Early Kassite rulers
This dynasty also did not actually rule Babylon, but their numbering scheme was continued by later Kassite Kings of Babylon, and so they are listed here.

Late Bronze Age[edit]

Kassite Dynasty (Third Dynasty of Babylon)[edit]

Kassite Dynasty (ca. 1507–1155 BC)
King Meli-Shipak II (centre) (ca. 1186–1172 BC)
Further information: Kassites

Iron Age[edit]

Dynasty IV of Babylon, from Isin[edit]

The name of the dynasty, BALA PA.ŠE, is a paronomasia on the term išinnu, “stalk,” written as PA.ŠE and is the only apparent reference to the actual city of Isin.[5] It is therefore also known as the Second Dynasty of Isin or Isin II.
King Marduk-nadin-ahhe(r. 1100–1082 BC)

Dynasty V of Babylon[edit]

Known as the 2nd Sealand Dynasty, the evidence that this was a Kassite Dynasty is rather tenuous.[6]

Dynasty VI of Babylon[edit]

Known as the Bīt-Bazi Dynasty after the region from where this minor Kassite clan drew its ancestry.[7]

Dynasty VII of Babylon[edit]

This was an Elamite Dynasty.

Dynasty VIII of Babylon[edit]

Dynasty IX of Babylon (Dynasty of E)[edit]

King Nabu-apla-iddina(right) (r. 888–855 BC)

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